Data &
Learning Metrics

Educating and training can be a costly affair. It is therefore important that we make clear arrangements about the results to be measured and the way of measuring. To determine the effects of the interventions and to visualize the value of the learning interventions, we use the ROI methodology. To determine where one stands as an organization, we advise to determine the Objective KeyResults (OKR) at the very beginning and measure and collect the most important KPIs needed for the OKRs.

In this way we can also see on the KPIs which developments are made. At the start we will define, together with the customer, in which areas we want to measure results. By doing this at the start, we can measure the effects of interventions and repeat this over a longer period of time. This offers opportunities for intermediate adjustments and enables to judge in the longer term if the set OKRs have been met.

Our platforms and tooling is setup to measure data which are used to determine the progress of the OKRs on a regular and uniform way. As an example the ‘engagement level’ of participants can be a custom formula based on the number of logins, time spent on the platform and content, number of trainings followed and other interactions on the platform as viewing videos from start to end or clicking on buttons and links. For each customer the actual ‘engagement level’ is determined and reported back.

The platforms can export data in Excel or directly to the customers own business intelligence reporting tools where other relevant data can be combined (e.g. sales data or NPS scores) for maximum conformity and ease of access.

We distinguish multiple areas on which we can measure OKRs:

  • Indicators for reactions of participants and other stakeholders, like usefulness, relevance for the function and motivation
  • Indicators for impact like productivity improvement, sales results and client satisfaction
  • Indicators for learning effects like competences, knowledge and confidence
  • Indicators for application like level of use, completed actions and scores
  • Indicators for return on investment like ROI% and Benefit-Cost Ratio